“Shreeji Interiors by Mr. Ajay Mistry is a blessing sent to us. We have purchased our dream home in a high rise on the top floor and wanted to get it designed from the inside out. Working with Ajay and his ‘always there for you’ team was a delight. He had this keen sense of capturing the essence of our personality and style. Using his creativity, he was able to incorporate our personal taste into every room. Shreeji Interiors takes your vision and helps you make it real, and if you don’t have a vision Shreeji Intertiors points you in the right direction. These guys are reliable, professional and creative. Shreeji Interiors is everything you look for in a designer you want to get your dream home done from . . .
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Ajay and his team for making a beautiful home for our family.”
Tejas Bhayani